Data Capture and Cybersecurity

Better measurements, Better decisions

Metrix helps companies win in digitization, with Data Capture, Monitoring and Industrial Cybersecurity (OT).

Sensors, monitoring, data capture and analysis.

We generate valuable information for decisions using Big Data monitoring, anticipating opportunities for improvement or risks. You improve what you measure.

Cybersecurity for OT industry

We help protect industrial operations from threats that impact results, image or service. If it can be avoided, it's no accident.

Digital transformation based on human capital development

We accompany talent development with OKR metrics that improve the business model, including task automation.

Specialists in Data Capture and Cybersecurity.

More than 30 years of IT experience at the service of our clients.

We support companies with IT tools to anticipate and avoid errors or failures within their processes that result in loss of money.

We improve quality and time spent, making faster diagnostics and better resource planning.

Years of IT experience
+ 0

What we do and
how we do it

As Cybersecurity and Data Capture specialists we offer 6 types of solutions.


Data Capture

Data capture from any machine, system or environment



Monitoring for IT/OT operational control and big data generation


Analysis & BI

Analytics and graphical visualisation for fast, proactive decision making


OT Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity specialised in industrial operations (OT)



Deployment of physical and logical sensors

Start your challenge!

Contact us if you have any OT and IoT security challenges.

ciberseguridad y captura de datos metrix


Products designed to overcome OT and IoT security challenges.

How to anticipate problems and generate big data for predictive analytics in any type of activity?
Easy, fast and cost-effective tool to anticipate IT and OT problems, monitoring, alarming and reporting anomalies with action and repair.
How to achieve connectivity anywhere, secularized, cost-effective and easy to deploy?
Multiple industrial connectivity routers to solve how to obtain data of any type, from any device or machinery, and provide secure access to the Internet.
How to quickly prevent a factory hacking or cybersecurity incident?
Without changes or machine stops, implement OT cybersecurity in minutes to comply with ANSI/ISA-99 or IEC 62443. And secure your remote access for maintenance with two factors. Or protect those old machinery, impossible to replace
How to measure, locate and identify valuable assets using wireless technologies?
Long range and low power consumption Bluetooth industrial beacons for measuring, identifying and locating.
How to protect physical assets and sensitive R&D&I areas?
Protection of assets and sensitive areas by means of multi sensors that integrate with monitoring and detect threats to critical areas and assets in advance. Industrial thermography. Intelligent control of R&D areas Environmental protection of data areas.
How to start progressively or better my cybersecurity?
Firewalls and UTM for perimeter security. Industrial firewalls for industrial zoning and DMZ.
Case Studies

Satisfied clients for whom we have carried out projects.

demo a medida metrix

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+34 610 099 578


C. Sorbona, 7, 09001 Burgos



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